Optimizing Liquid Crystal Displays: Effective 1D and 2D Modelling Incorporating Elasticity, Electrostatics, and Fluid Flow Effects.
As the pandas depart from Edinburgh Zoo, we wanted to take this opportunity to share our story of involvement and how we protected the pandas from stress by designing a soundproof enclosure. Our efforts to accommodate these remarkable creatures have been a privilege. While we bid them farewell, we're proud to have played a part in their stay. This is how we protected the pandas from stress by using advanced sound measurements and Multiphysics simulation.
Xi Engineering Consultants has been involved with Magway since the early days of the company. Through this period Magway has grown immensely developing its technology and commercial contracts. Xi Engineering Consultants have supported Magway's journey throughout and have been there to deliver projects as and when the technical and commercial needs required.
Designing the Wind Turbines of the Future. GreenSpur’s Ferrite Permanent Magnet Generator.
Premium electrostatic headphone systems. Hi-End headphones delivering unparalleled levels of performance and sound quality.
Xi fulfilled the role of R&D partner, working closely with the team to ensure that the device would not suffer failures as well as optimisation of different elements of the structure.