
Hand-arm vibration comes from the use of hand-held power tools and is the cause of significant ill health (painful and disabling disorders of the blood vessels, nerves and joints).

European Directive 2002/44/EC – vibration defines exposure limit values for hand-arm-vibrations and whole-body-vibrations, respectively on basis of a standardised eight hour reference period, simulating a work day.

Industry requested that Reactec provide a means for measuring and monitoring individual exposure to vibration from hand tools.


Reactec developed the HAVmeter to completely automate the entire monitoring and reporting process. The device launched in 2008 and took electronics into the tough construction environment for the first time, allowing users to simply understand the level of vibration to which they were exposed and prevent serious injuries.

Reactec were the first to market with a personal vibration monitoring device and have continued to lead the way with mobile vibration measurement equipment.

Xi’s Role

Well, truth be told, Xi are the Reactec team responsible for the development of the HAVmeter.

Our Managing Director split the company in two taking the then R &D development team from Reactec to form XI.

Through prototype development and testing we brought electronics to the Construction sector.

Producing an electronic product capable of day to day abuse in the tough environment of construction was a first.

Client Benefits
  • Protecting workforce against ill health
  • Quantitative measure of exposure levels to assess and mitigate risks associated with HAVS
  • Comprehensive tool information
By Published On: November 7th, 2022Categories: Case Study, Industrial, IndustriesComments Off on Design of a Tool Vibration Monitor

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