
Product development often raises many unexpected and technical challenges. Resolving the issues internally can extend development time and compromise the end product if the challenge is not fully understood. Worse than that, any issue that is left undetected until completion and launch is likely to result in costly and reputation damaging recalls. In this instance, a new compressor utilising a host of new and novel concepts was in a critical development stage with a number of potential costly and time consuming pitfalls looming.


Xi’s multi-discipline engineering team has experience in a wide range of sectors. This is underlined by practical experience of developing from consumer scale plastics to industrial scale steel and concrete structures. Of course, this is built upon a foundation of an advanced understanding of dynamics vibration and noise. Xi’s expert was able to impart years of experience in noise and vibration, providing resolution to issues already identified and highlighting potential project challenges.

Skill Sets Used
  • Call upon specialist capabilities when required
  • Cost savings through minimising development delays
  • Significant Project de-risking
  • Reduce time to market
Xi’s Role

Holding a design review allowed the project engineers to benefit from an external view and experience from an expert panel of consultants.

“Xi brought practical experience underpinned by sound theoretical knowledge making constructive suggestions across the noise and vibration concerns raised by the product team.”

Dr Michèle Routley
The Technology Manager

By Published On: November 7th, 2022Categories: Case Study, Expert Witness, Industrial, Industries, ServicesComments Off on Expert Review of Compressor Design

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