
Modern planning permission in heavily populated areas, such as in the London boroughs, are looking for analysis on the change in wind microclimate around new developments. This helps ensure safe and suitable conditions for the purposes of the surrounding infrastructure so that cycle paths or balconies are not subject to adverse wind conditions. Xi Engineering has been working in partnership with Land Use Consultants (LUC) to assist in wind microclimate reviews of Environmental Statements (ES’s) and Environmental Scoping Reviews to assist their clients in getting planning approval for their proposed developments.


Xi Engineering Consultants provides a detailed review of the wind microclimate section in the EIA Scoping Report, identifying sensitive receptors which should be adequately addressed to ensure a fully comprehensive assessment is submitted as part of the ES.

Xi provided a full analysis and report of the wind microclimate section in the ES, including CFD and wind tunnel analysis. The report identified areas which required further clarification to be deemed acceptable for the planning authority. Xi also identified potential information requests and planning conditions which might be raised by the planning authority if not dealt with prior to ES submission.

Skill Sets Used
  • Review of Environmental Impact
  • Assessments (EIA’s)
  • Review of CFD Modelling reports
  • Review of Wind Tunnel Assessments
  • Comparison of data with Lawson Comfort
  • Criteria and relevant standards
Xi’s Role
  • Identify key receptors which must be addressed in the assessment
  • Identify potential issues that will be raised by the planning authority
Client Benefits
  • Provide quick turnaround on review of documents
  • Provide a clear and concise summary of sections that require revision
  • Reduce the risk of denial of planning permission
By Published On: November 7th, 2022Categories: Building, Structures & Planning, Case Study, Expert Witness, Industries, Planning & Environmental Impact, ServicesComments Off on Wind Microclimate Review for Planning Applications

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