On-site Strain Gauging Service

On-site strain gauging service. Accurate measurements & analysis for large components or structures that cannot be disassembled. Xi Engineering Consultants

Xi’s strain gauging service can provide you with precise and reliable measurement of strain, load or force right where you need it. In-situ testing provides more representative, real-world results than lab testing and is suitable for large components or structures that cannot be disassembled.

With our on-site service, our engineers can perform strain gauging in-situ for a wide range of applications and environments in industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, renewables, and civil engineering.

Our team has the experience and capabilities to meet your needs and ensure that the correct data is collected first time. Where appropriate, we use a modelling-based approach to estimate the strains prior to specification of a measurement, which allows the right instrumentation to be selected for the application. Xi also have extensive experience installing small and large scale multi-variable measurement setups, and can integrate the strain measurements with other variables such as vibration, environmental conditions and other operational parameters.

We understand that every customer has unique needs and requirements, and we work closely with you to tailor our services to meet your specific needs.

Contact us today to learn more about our on-site strain gauging services, general measurement consultancy and how we can help you achieve your project goals.

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